Lina and I went to see Snow Patrol last night at House of Blues (Athlete opened).
It. Was. Great. (Aside from Captain Largehead, who decided to stand right in front of where we were sitting). This was the first I'd heard of Athlete, and I'll now be looking forward to getting their CD. Snow Patrol was fantastic - they put on a great show - there's just something about watching bands that very obviously love what they're doing.
If you haven't checked out either of these bands, and love some good (British) rock - check them out.
So in the little breakfast nook area of the house, there is pink silk wallpaper. That's been there for 15 years and hasn't really been cleaned. Yech. It obviously had to go (I mean, the pink was enough reason).
At the recommendation of Julie and her dad, I found some wallpaper remover spray and went to work on it yesterday. The silk layer came off easy enough, but then there was the glue layer that I had to scrub. As I was working on it, I noticed that they had painted over something, but I couldn't tell what - until I removed the doorbell thing and I found the culprit - this hideous leafy wallpaper. They painted over it and it's been up there so long that it would take me months to chip it all off.
It's pretty much stuck to the wall for good. So...for now...I'm also going to paint over it.
And the other treat I found - remnants of a metallic green foil wallpaper.
And no...that's not our picture on the wall...this was taken before we bought the house.
Our good friends, Noa and Julie, came down to spend this weekend with me and Herman (although Herman had to leave on Saturday for another trip).
While Noa had a restful Saturday, my beautiful friend Julie and I began operation "get the house ready to rent". The house is basically a blank slate with white walls, and in the case of the master bedroom - white floors. So we started our morning at home depot, buying paint for all of the rooms.
I almost had a heart attack at the amount of paint...but found out that they sold me too many cans! Mostly, too many cans of primer.
I will be going to get my money back...
By the way, does anyone know what kind of floor that is? It doesn't really matter since we're going to cover it...but man it's ugly!
Thanks Julie, for all of your hard work - and for keeping me company!
So there are big changes in store for me and Herman.
Earlier this year, we decided that I should go back to school to get a degree in Graphic Design. I only had time to apply to one school for this we went for the big one. I applied to Rhode Island School of Design, which has one of the best Graphic Design programs.
Tuesday night, when we came home from Idaho (about 1.00 am)...there was this envelope waiting for me.
They took me.
I can't believe it.