To my life, my love, my best friend...happy anniversary.
Thanks for choosing to live out your life with me.
I love you.
*and I'm sorry we can't spend it together*
:: Being woken at 5.43 am by very loud garbage trucks.
:: Dropping my art box and thus ruining my 3D design piece for class this morning.
:: Walking .9 miles to the rain.
:: Having legs that are too short (or is that pants that are too long?), so that my jeans drag and soak up all the lovliness that is on the ground.
:: A professor who will not communicate what he expects from us...then gets upset when we don't meet his expectations (in his words, grade school kids do better work than we do).
:: Walking .9 miles to the the rain.
:: Trying to dodge all the dog poo on the sidewalk...while walking the rain.
:: Once home, realizing that there is no toilet paper. So, having to walk to the rain.
For my 3D design glass, we've been working with paper and patterns and folding. It's pretty fun.
But also slightly annoying.
For instance, last night, I couldn't sleep (combination of extreme heat and having a slight fever). Instead, I had these sort of hallucination dreams about finding patterns and folding paper. I wasn't fully asleep, and I wasn't fully awake.
It was very stressful.
And now I'm very tired.
Since we won't be seeing each other for 5 weeks, and since our anniversary happens during those 5 weeks, we did a little 4th anniversary celebratin' last night.
And the funniest thing happened at dinner.
We went to this really nice restaurant on the river. Great view. Pretty nice atmosphere. You know the place - your soft drink comes in a really tiny glass with a really tiny straw. The waiters all tuck their ties in their shirts.
So the waiter (and when I say "waiter", I do mean male waiter) comes to take our order. I order first, then Herman orders...and then...the waiter winks at him.
(I think this is my favorite)
boy student: Are there any neo-Nazi's on campus?
[uncomfortable pause]
tour guide: Um, no. No Nazi's.
Tour guide: This is the nature lab. There's lots of dead things in there. And some live things...there's a moose head on the wall.
boy student: what are you studying?
girl student: art.
Tomorrow morning we're leaving for Providence, Rhode Island where I will be spending the next six weeks at this place.
Looks nice enough...considering that I've NEVER EVEN BEEN TO RHODE ISLAND before.
I'll be back and blogging once I get settled in.
sigh. I'll miss the sun this summer.
[see...because I'll be locked in a studio for who knows how many hours a day. Get it? No? It wasn't that funny anyway]
Last week we were trying to figure out a cool place in Orlando to go for drinks with a couple of our friends. Herman innocently suggested Friday's (as in TGI).
My response?
"I think we're looking for something more high brow."
Something more high brow? Who talks like that (well...besides me, apparently)?
Herman's really latched onto it:
me: What should we eat for lunch?
him: How about McDonalds?
me: nah.
him: Why? Too low* brow for you?[pronounced "loooowe"]
When one lives in central Florida, there is no end to the abundance of things to do.
Some of those things are not so cool: Orchid World. Fun Spot. (among many)
Some of these things are very famous: Disney World. Universal Studios.
And *cough* some are just cool: Kennedy Space Center and the whole NASA thing (and yes, we have season passes. I wish I could've spent more time out there).
For the last couple days, they've been rolling out the space shuttle Discovery. Wouldn't you know it, after living here for two years, there's finally going to be a launch...and we're leaving for RI on Friday.
I haven't packed yet. I haven't done laundry.
All I want to do is get in my car and go see this thing sitting on the launch pad.
Dear friends.
I've now been blogging for a couple of months. Have I lived up to my promises? Did I make any promises? No?
What I have managed to do:
Post on a regular basis (a feat in and of itself).
Post a picture a day...well, almost (I've slacked off the last two days).
Talk about nothing in particular. Yup.
Also, the site is becoming more functional. If you look to the left you'll see a few links that do actually work (more props to my husband).
As always, it's a work in progress.
Good day!
So. Reading through my "suggested supply list" for this summer:
sketch book. Check.
Newsprint. Check.
Staple Gun. Ummmm...
Markers. Check.
Scissors. Check.
Saw. Whoa.
Woodcarving tools. Huh.
Metal clamps. Ok...
Metal cutters...what the?
So I forgot that when you go to college, you have to have a record of all your immunizations. This should be easier than it has been for me. I've spent this week trying to track down my childhood immunization records...and haven't been too lucky.
Catch the irony here:
I had the chicken pox when I was 6. I remember it (the scar on my forehead is attests to it). My parents remember it. one ever documented it. So here I am at 27 and I need to get vaccinated against a disease that I already had, and according to popular medicine, a disease that you can only get once.
What a pain.
Dexter is quite talented and has a keen sense for the things he wants. For example:
TV radar: It's inevitable that when we sit down to watch tv, Dexter will appear as if from nowhere, and climb onto my lab.
Nap radar: It's inevitable that whenever I lay down to take a nap, Dexter will insist on curling up beside me.
Computer radar: It's inevitable that whenever I sit down to work at the computer, Dexter will fall right in front of the keyboard...normally on my hands so that I can't do anything.
He's so needy.
Someone should tell him it's very un-catlike.
So every year, Disney does this Star Wars Weekends thing at MGM. Storm Troopers guarding the gates. All the characters walking around (sort actually have to stand in line to see them). The soundtrack piped into the park.
We had to go. Obviously. Somehow, we'd missed this last year...and seeing that we'll be gone for 3 years...
It was fun. We only went for a couple of hours, but I think to experience all they have to offer, one has to be there for the entire day.
Go ahead can laugh at me. At least I wasn't walking around the park dressed up in my home made costume. I wouldn't humiliate myself like that.