The house that I am subletting a room in this summer is, of course, furnished. And there's this very large Monet print framed and hanging in the bathroom. Every time I go in there, I cannot help but look at the bottom right hand corner which says "Les Coquelicots". And then it gets stuck on repeat in my head.
As if that's not bad enough...the other girl that is also subletting this summer has some sheet music on a stand...If, by a miracle, "Les Coquelicots" is not in my mind, "Joachim" gets stuck in there.
Does this happen to anyone else?
Can someone please tell me what the heck "Les Coquelicots" means?*
Or accompany me on the way to the insane asylum?
*I know, I know, I could look it up. Google and all. But, just writing this post is aggravating my condition. I don't think I'd like to add to it by researching "Les Coquelicots".