I wish it were more heroic than that, but there you have it. We've gotten completely hooked on this show called Top Gear which is on the Discovery Channel. And as Herman was gone and we missed watching it together at 10.00 pm, we decided to wait up (catching bits of Mythbusters and Conan O'Brien in the process) until it re-aired at 1.00 am. It's full of the things that we love: fast, exotic cars. Slightly random funniness. And Brits. Lots of Brits**.
*you would only know how funny this comment is if you actually live in Providence...and know that as far as we've seen, the city shuts down at 5.00 pm.
**Which (along with our lovely British neighbors from Orlando, among many other things) fuels my desire to not only visit, but totally relocate to England. Herman says it's too expensive. Oh, and reading this post is so much more fun if you do, in fact, read it with a British accent. Cheers!