Last week in my type class, my professor revealed a book project that she wants us to work on for the remainder of the semester (in between all the other projects she gives us). Being a typography class, she wants us to make an alphabet book - photographs of found letterforms (yes, another alphabet...It is graphic design after all. We're obsessed with type).
She gave us a week to come up with 3 concepts to be presented in class today. As she was telling us this, she reminded us that we're designers. From here on out, we're to be constantly conscience of what we create and how we present our work. Makes sense right? I go home thinking, man, I've got to put a lot of work into this. You know, like I'm really going to be presenting this to a client or something.
So I come up with my three concepts, and, no joke, spent about 12 - 15 hours over the weekend polishing my presentations for them.
This is the one I'm going to pursue: concert photos. For the concept, I created a 7 in record and record album. Everyone else in the class presented their concepts on 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper. I think I might be crazy (but also very happy with the end result).