~ Herman got home from his 2.5 week trip to Thailand & China. He brought me another pair of fake (and thus cheap) Chuck Taylors. Mine have the Union Jack on them. Yay!
~I took two (2!!!) days off. I didn't do a single bit of school work. It stressed me out, but only a bit.
~ Because I took some time off, I was able to spend some time with my husband. Lunch. Movie. The perfect kind of hang out time.
~ We woke up to about 3 inches of snow on Thanksgiving morning. Some of it is still here.
~ We spent Thanksgiving day with Jervis and Michelle, and some friends we've made here in Providence: Jessie, Tiffany, and Brenna.
~ We went out for a lobster dinner. I ate lobster for the first time. I stuck it in my mouth, chewed once, then swallowed it whole. I did not like it.
~ I got a new hat. Because it's fricken' cold here, and I've gone completely soft after living in places like CA and FL.