Benefit Street
We live about 3/4 mile away from campus, so this is what I see on my daily walk: Benefit Street. Known as one of the most historic streets in Providence, and as the 3rd most haunted street in America. Now, I know that a house built in 1773 is not so impressive in other parts of the world, for instance, Old England...or China...but after being raised in the New West, it's pretty cool to live in a place with such amazing history. And haunted houses (and speaking of haunted, supposedly, RISD is full of ghosts...).
I was going to talk more about how much I love fall, how I love walking through the piles of leaves on my way to class, how amazing beautiful New England is...
But then I had to walk home in the rain. And all of those wonderful piles of leaves are now piles of mush.
But I still love fall...