In Which I Prove to the World That I am a Klutz.

It was bound to happen at one point or another.

I wiped out while walking to school yesterday.

And it wasn't on a quiet street where I could look around, pick my embarassed self off the ground, and silently pretend nothing happened. It was on the sidewalk of a particularly busy street - right by the traffic light. So I not only had an audience, I had a very captive one.

In my defense, I was walking on a dodgy part of the sidewalk, apparently where no one ever dares to walk, seeing as it hadn't been scraped of the snow and ice that was on it. There wasn't even a speck of salt on it.

But there I was, talking on my cell phone (shhhhh....), carefully avoiding the big patches of ice. When I hung up the phone, I immediately slipped, and dropped to one knee, the other leg splayed out to the side.

I thought about pulling out my best "jazz hands" and bowing to my adoring audience. But instead, I gave a sheepish smile and (quickly) went on my merry way.

Stupid ice.