Now, I could tell you about the great films that we saw (and we saw some good ones), but instead, dear Internet, I'm going to give a small Public Service Announcement. Brought on by the fact that not 1, not 2, but 3 of the films we saw used the typeface (if it can even be called that) "Papyrus" in their opening and closing credits.
Thus, I feel it my duty as a Graphic Designer and lover of type to tell all who care to listen: The following typefaces are cliche, overused, and just plain ugly. Avoid them like they are a plague that will rot out your insides (although, in the case of publishing things on the internet, there is a small exception. Keep reading). And never, not even in the most dire of circumstances, ever type an email in a decorative font (I have actually received emails typed entirely in Comic Sans). I don't care if your computer ate all of your other fonts.
You can however, with the blessing of most designers, use these beautiful and gorgeous typefaces (just to name a few) without reservation:
I understand that most people won't have access to Helvetica or Bodoni, so in this case (and because the internet doesn't give too many options), you can use Arial (this blog, in fact in done in Arial because of the three sans serif font available, this one happens to be the better of the three. And I could publish it with a serif font, but I like the clean look that a sans serif provides). But if given a choice...
Thus ends my time on the soap box. Because I don't really care. Not alot anyway.
Any questions?