The Little Roll of Film That Could.

In Febuary of 2004, Herman and I made our first trek to Thailand. I shot multiple rolls of film, and ended the trip halfway through a role of black and white. Later that year, we went to Eastern Europe with his family, and I finally managed to finish off that roll of film. sat. And sat. And sat some more. I was basically too lazy to take it to the proper developers (Costco doesn't develop "real" black and white film, just so you know).

Then I realized a couple of weeks ago that I could develop it! So, well, I did.

After I finished up my assignment for class, I played in the dark room for awhile with this roll. I basically decided to set a different tone by playing with filters and contrast. I'm super happy with how they turned out. I really like the whole high contrast very graphic look in photography.

I see much more of this type of photo in my future.

What do you think? (click to see larger, of course)