First, my phone. I just dropped it. On the ground. And it slid under the 4Runner. I've dropped it before, so I thought "no big deal". Until I really looked at it and saw that the display died. This is seriously going to hamper the whole screening of phone calls thing that I have going on. Only not. Because I don't really do that. Ok. Maybe a little. Shhhh.
Then I broke a bowl in the kitchen (dropped that too), and almost killed the husband when he stepped on a piece of glass in his bare feet ("killed" might be a slight exaggeration).
So, word to the wise: should you have anything valuable or breakable, a nice vase, a mirror, a baby - don't entrust them to me. Which is kind of sad because I like babies.
On an unrelated note, should I be alarmed that the girl (read: younger than me) at the drive thru at Starbucks told me to "drive safe, hon"? Would you judge me if I said it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Yes? Well it didn't.
On an even more unrelated note, I drove right through a film set on the way to the gym this morning. Yeah. Here. In Providence. Unfortunately, it wasn't anything too exciting. Just Underdog. I got to see the dog though. Cute. And both more wealthy and more pampered than me.
Lastly, and really, really unrelated: does anyone else here find the name Harry Frankfurt funny? How about if I told you he wrote an essay called "On Bullshit"*? No? Just me? Fine. I'm going back to bed.
*reading this for my Type class.