Last night, at 2.30 am, after a myriad of printing problems, and execution issues, I triumphantly held my project in my hands, admiring my workmanship, and feeling pretty good about myself. Until I proceeded to open the piece and realized that I had glued the contents in UPSIDE DOWN. Frick! At that point, there was nothing left to do but go to bed.
Then I started laughing. That sort of manical laughter that can only happen after you've put 12+ hours into a project only to have it ruined* by one tiny detail (It's my attention to detail that's going to make me a great designer, really). I think I was twitching at that point too.
I was still sort of punch drunk and giggling by the time I crawled into bed at 3.00, which prompted this brilliant conversation between me and Herman (who up til that point had been fast asleep):
Herman: "What's funny?"
Me (between giggles): "I glued my piece in upside down."
H: "Why did you glue your piece in upside down?" (At least, I thought that's what he said).
Me: "Because I'm tired."
H: "No. Y is the peace sign upside down!"
Me: "okay."
When I showed it to my professor, and explained why it was upside down, I mumbled something about not working well at 2.30 am. His response? "So why were you?" Touche, Janitor. Touche.