The semester from hell is almost over. It's funny. I have two fantastic professors who are teaching two fantastic classes (Typography II and History of Graphic Design)...then there's the Hans*. The soul sucker. Who has made this semester hell for me. And he was in fine form today. I try never to be disrespectful to people, especially when those people are my professors. But I actually walked away from him today, it was that bad.
But. I'd rather not make you all listen to me complaining about my professor, and the number of times that I've thought of either quitting school or jumping out of the window, so....on to better subjects:
Like how I got the new Snow Patrol album and LOVE it. It's one of those rare albums that has pulled me in from the first song, and I'm sure I'll be listening to it for days to come. And since their live show was one of the best I've been to, I was hoping to catch them on their current tour. But they are already sold out in Boston and in San Francisco. I guess I'm going to have to live vicariously through Christie, who gets to see them in Denver (you're going to have a blast!).
*We actually have both a Hans and a Franz here. And both are from Eastern Europe. Insert your best "Pump you up" jokes here.