So this fall I added two new shows to my must watch list (must watch list being: Heroes, Lost, The Office, and Scrubs), and I must pass the recommendations on to you, my 6 faithful readers. Although one of you has no tv, 3 of you have kids, one of you is in Japan, and one of you is Benji...and I think I lost him in my year of only 7 blog posts. I'm sure I lost more people long before that.
First: Chuck. It might be the most ridiculous and cheesy shows on right now, but it's just so much fun to watch. I somehow got to watch the pilot episode 3 different times (once on the plane, once on the night it actually premiered, and once when I made Herman download and watch it with me), and throughly enjoyed it each time. It's a spy comedy. What else do you need to know? Preview here.
Second: Pushing Daisies. Perhaps the show I was most excited to see. It's got a mid-century, overly saturated aesthetic, centered around a guy named Ned who can touch dead people and bring them back to life, but if he touches them again, they die. A "Forensic Fairytale" as the preview guy says. If you like the visual beauty and quirky romance that is Amelie, and the fantastical elements of Big Fish, you will most definitely love this show. I love this show. Check this out and I know you'll get hooked. Or not. It's really up to you.