My last full week here in Providence is insane. I've got to finish my degree project (I'm presenting at 9.00 am Friday morning), finish my last two assignments for Senior Studio (final crit on Tuesday morning), get some mock-ups of business cards done for Herman, and finish packing/cleaning/decluttering our apartment. I'm going to be so relieved on Saturday morning to climb on that plane in Boston, with Sir Dexter in tow, and fly away from all of this. It's been incredible, but I need to be done.
Until then, I'm keeping this photo open on my desktop, and reminding myself that in 5 1/2 days I'm finally moving back to California!
This photo is not the best...but it is pretty good for a camera phone, which is what it was taken with. When I get back this coming weekend I'm going to the house, and will take more photos.