A month or so ago, a friend (from out of town) and I were driving up to San Francisco for a bit of shopping. I'm not even sure how we got on this topic, but I said, somewhat jokingly, that one surefire way to stand out as a tourist in San Francisco, or anywhere in the Bay Area for that matter, was to call it "Frisco" or "San Fran" (or "San Franfrisco" as my dear grandfather would say).
She turned to me and said, "What do you guys call it then?"
I replied, "San Francisco...or mostly, 'The City'."
A few days later, I was in "The City" at the Renegade Craft Fair and came upon the We Are Campfire booth. They are a few graphic designers that screen print t-shirts, mostly witty sayings about different cities, or things about typography and design. I immediately fell in love with the very graphic feel of their shirts, and started looking through the pile for one for my husband.
Then I saw it: "The City of the City: San Francisco". Genius!
My friend and I decided that we'd walk around a bit more, but that I'd go back and get it before we left. Of course, I realized when we were half way home (a 30 minute drive) that I totally forgot to get the shirt! I looked online, but the shirt wasn't up yet. Until...a couple of weeks ago! I ordered it, it came, we love it.
Definitely check them out! They have a crazy collection of t-shirts. Some of my favorites (besides the one we got) are below.

So I know that I said I didn't think I wanted to keep up two blogs, and that I'd post here only occasionally, but at the encouragement of a few friends I think I'll try to keep things going over here. Like actually posting a few times a week (a lofty goal at this point). Plus there are some ideas starting to form somewhere under the surface, and I guess this would be as good a place as any to work them out.
But first, I'd like to introduce you all to the incredibly lovely and incredibly talented Alex Charchar. He's a graphic designer from Australia, who has a beautiful website with all sorts of great articles about design and creativity. From time to time he interviews different people about different things, and after finding some of my photos on Flickr, asked me to be a part of an article about working from home, and more specifically, my personal work space.
Check it out here!
Thank you Alex, for letting me be a small part of your space, and for the super kind and encouraging words.