My new heavy duty corner rounder and heavy duty guillotine.
After doing this completely by hand (hello carpal tunnel!), my new toys are making my life much, much easier.
One of my most favorite things: sitting down to work with a really great cup of tea. Especially if that tea is Chinese Eight Treasure Tea. Yum.
One of the things I love about the design blog community is how an item or idea or a new talent will find its way onto a blog, then another blog writes about it, and another and another until it's made the rounds on all the big blogs and you're bound to run into it sooner or later.
Last month the "it" item seemed to be MT Masking Tape, which is completely understandable because, come's masking tape and it's in a wide variety of gorgeous colors. I first saw it here, then here, then here. It was also common knowledge that DWR was selling it and I admit I looked (and drooled over) it a number of times and when I had about decided to take the plunge and buy some...they were no longer carrying it. Of course.
Then I had the brilliant idea of looking for it on ebay...and I found someone selling a set of 20 colors for less then what DWR was selling it...and so, I got it! It came in the mail today and I'm completely smitten with how charming and beautiful it is (yes. masking tape). Originally I'd thought I might use it for packaging, but now I'm thinking I might have to just keep it all to myself. Maybe.
(oh, and because I love you all so much, I'll let you in on a little secret. The person I bought it from also has an etsy store chock full of beautiful masking tape and other little lovlies. Check it out!)
After sending out our new years updates, one of my friends hired me to do a couple of event invitations for her. I wasn't necessarily planning on doing custom invite work, but after working on these two jobs with Laura (who's an absolute dream client!), I realized that it's quite a lot of fun and that I might have to do more of it in the future!
Baby shower invite.
It's been a busy week. Regular posting will continue soon (really!). Until then, enjoy some more yummy Friday kitty goodness.
Herman likes to say that I have internal feng shui, which basically means that I have issues with space. My physical place in a space (I HATE being in the center of a room) as well as the use of space. I just can't seem to concentrate or be productive if the space I'm in feels uncomfortable to me. Which is a problem when said space is my home office/studio and I'm a full time work from home freelancer.
When we moved in a little over a year ago, we split the office space in half and tried to set it up to the best of both of our needs. Then it became clear that my needs were going to be a bit more than Hermans, so we expanded my space a bit. It was fine for awhile, but about 2 months ago I started getting agitated and feeling like we just weren't using the space correctly.
So last week I measured everything, made little cut outs, and played around with it all until I figured out what I was going to do. And just to up the geek quotient, I was so excited about making the changes that I didn't fall asleep until 3.00 in the morning because I was laying in bed visualing how it'd turn out.
I spent the whole of last Thursday moving everything out and then back in again and am super happy with the results.
Before (and to get another view, look here):
Much, much better. My printer is within easy reach, and I have an entire desk for a workspace (although it will soon be half filled with a giant guillotine and corner rounder)...which Dexter also believes is his personal lounge area. I'm not entirely happy with the magazines and mail basket under the desk, but it's fine for now.
It really is a huge relief. And that night? I still couldn't sleep because I was thinking about how happy I was to have it resolved. Yeah. I know right?