For the most part, I really really love working from home. But sometimes, I do feel the need to get out and clear my head a bit...and luckily, I've found the perfect place to do just that. Philz! They've opened one about a half mile from our house and I absolutely love it. I love walking in and telling the staff that I'm looking for a fantastic iced coffee...and they immediately whip up something super yummy and super refreshing. And while the cafe itself is tiny (and sort of hot inside) they've got an amazing shaded patio area that I could spend hours at. And probably will. I'm going to be getting a new laptop soon, so I can definitely see lots of Philz afternoons in my future.
Herman showed me this video last week and it made me ridiculously happy. Two of my favorite things coming together: cars and fonts. It's so creative, and impressively executed!
This past weekend the Renegade Craft Fair came through San Francisco, and I went with two of my good (and very talented) friends, Wendy and Susan (and her beautiful daughter). I was so excited the night before we went that I had trouble sleeping. Which then prompted my dear husband to say, "It's sort of like Christmas morning for you, huh?". Yes. Yes, indeed.
One of the things I love about going, besides all the inspiring goodies to look at...collecting postcards and business cards from everyone:
A few of the fun things I came home with:
Flying Bulldog t-shirt from Mis Nopales Art (which I've been longing to have for some time now)
A beautiful necklace from Freshie and Zero (because I made a promise to myself to only buy handmade jewelry from here on out)
Adorable bookplates from the wonderful Black Apple. I also bought a set of three little notebooks...but forgot to photograph them. Woops.)
I'm already excited to go again next year. Thanks for a great day ladies!
On the morning of our second day in Beijing, we went to the Panjiayuan Flea Market, which seems to be one of the best places to shop if you're looking for something to bring home from China. We only spent a couple of hours there, but I could've probably spent an entire afternoon there digging for treasures.
There were a number of shops with these little (and big) boxes. I picked up the one I liked best:
There was a guy who had the best selection of metal wind up toys. I had a hard time picking my favorites - and ones small enough to pack - and ended up coming home with this little robot man (who, unfortunately doesn't actually and this motorcycle guy (who does work) and also a little frog that he gave me for free. Which, I hate frogs, but this one is pretty funny to watch.
One thing I was really hoping to find was some original propaganda posters (we spent a good amount of time in my history of Graphic Design class studying these posters) from the Cultural Revolution. Unfortunately, I didn't find any originals (I did see some new ones. Totally not the same), but I did find some old ad posters. Jen (my brother in law's girlfriend) and I both bought this beautiful cigarette ad from the 1930's. I'm pretty sure it's original, and if it is, it's all the more impressive that it actually survived the Cultural Revolution.
On our last morning in Beijing, we took our friends to the Silk Market which is basically a 6 story building stuffed full of all of the knock off crap that you hear about getting in China. I lasted all of 10 minutes in there before having a bit of a panic attack, so Herman ushered me out and over to a nearby Starbucks where I caught my breath and found this adorable tiny little Starbucks mug. Yup, that's a quarter next to it. I love it!