Business Cards!

I'm currently working on getting my main portfolio site redesigned (simple, easy to navigate) and sort of coming up with a whole new business plan and direction for freelance, custom stationary/invites, etc. And one part of that plan was to FINALLY design and get business cards printed...which I did! So good for me!

I feel all official and businessy now that I have actual cards.

Vintage Circus Party!

Saturday was the Amazing Expanding Chung Family blow out celebration...and I do believe it was a huge success!

The proud parents to be:

We had giant balloons...

Tons of amazing food provided by the lovely and talented Rita...and an amazing candy bar set up by Susan. Who, by the way, made home made marshmallows...AND home made s'mores. Yup.

A photo booth with props...

Activities for the kiddies (face painting, balloon animals), and for the adults...

And attention paid down to the last detail thanks to our kick ass decor team (yes...we had teams)...

Congratulations Wendy and Irving! It was a blast celebrating with you and we can't wait to meet baby Chung! We love you guys!

See all the photo booth pictures here...and hopefully I'll have the rest of the party photos up there in the next couple of days.

New(ish) Toys.

:: I've been looking for the perfect old typewriter for some time, and finally found it in this beautiful little turquoise and red one from the 1950's. It's so sweet and in great condition...I just need to get a new ribbon for it and it'll be ready to go!

:: The globe is actually something from my childhood that I thought I had lost. I took it with me when I moved out of my parents house and went to college. Then it made the trek to California with me. I do believe I "lost" it sometime around 2001, when we got married. I was very excited to find it recently on the top shelf in my in-laws living room! It's now back home with me where it belongs.

More Artwork...

Um...remember this? Well...we ended up going with super secret option number four! The incredible band poster work of Jason Munn. Ta da!

He has such an amazing selection of posters for our favorite bands to choose from that we sort of had a hard time narrowing it down. In the end we went with (from right-left) the Decemberists, Grizzly Bear, and Okkervil River.


But still, I couldn't resist the work of Blanca Gomez, so we are also the proud owners of one Monsieur with a big red balloon print:

Vintage Circus Party!

My friend Wendy is having a baby in November, so a bunch of us are getting together to throw her and her husband an amazing vintage circus themed shower/party/extravaganza. Invites went out this weekend. Photos of the party to follow!