1200 posts.
I now have 1200 posts on my blog.
On my mind.
You all have one guess as to what is on my mind these days. I am finding it a bit frustrating not knowing when baby will come. I just keep on saying this too shall pass. I won't be pregnant forever.
The Death of a Pope.
Today I got this book. It will be good reading while I am in hospital after the birth of our baby.
Usually this weekend would be a big cookup. I am going to cook some meals but not do the whole month. I don't want to have the pressure to get everything done and go into labour.
I have cut out a skirt and top for myself and have 5 aio nappies just about finished. I also am about half way through the second baby sling. Hopefully these will keep me occupied until I go into labour.
We have had a week of really nice weather. The temps have been in the high 20's, low 30's. This week though it will be heating up. Today is going to 33 (91)
so a little bit warm but since we have low humidity it is pretty easy to cope with.
New Pusher.

We decided to buy a second hand pusher since this is number 8. The above pusher was advertised at Coles last weekend. I read the advert on Saturday and went and looked on Sunday. We won't need the toddler seat but it came with it so I have asked Steve to take the seat off. Christopher is way too big for it and I really don't want to be pushing him around again. He is a good walker now.
Jen from Conversion Diary hosts Quick 7 each week. Drop over to read other people's quick 7.