Joseph loves sucking his thumb. He only sucks it occasionally but would suck it all the time if he could work out how to get it in his mouth without all his other fingers. This photo is one of the few times he has got it in his mouth without all the other fingers. Every time he has got it in his mouth, he has sucked it and gone to sleep.
All our other children have had dummies. They all loved them and I haven't really had any trouble getting them to give them up. I have tried to encourage Joseph to take a dummy but he really doesn't like it much. He certainly prefers his thumb. I am thinking that I should just resign myself to the fact that he is going to be better off sucking his thumb to sleep. I worry though that he may suck it until he is much older. I cannot take his thumb away from him like I can a dummy but I also won't have to search the house for his thumb when it is time for bed.
What are your thoughts on dummy vs. thumb?