I started last week by making Emilia and I some t-shirts (using the freezer paper method again). Hers says "Mama is my constant" and mine says "Desmond is my constant", both in reference to possibly my favorite episode ever. I had seen a "Desmond is my constant" t-shirt somewhere else but wasn't crazy about the design, so in the end I just did my own. Emilia's shirt idea actually came courtesy of my husband, who lovingly indulges all of my hobbies and obsessions.

With my party planning/Lost obsessed buddy...

We asked our friends to dress up as their favorite characters (and awarded a prize for the best costume). My good friend Bates brought her 3 month old son as "John Locke" which was genius and ridiculously cute.

Everyone in character:

Richard Alpert (me), Benjamin Linus (Susan), Shannon (Elizabeth), Hurley (Lucretia...and she totally won the prize), Kate (Bates) with Baby John Locke (Shepherd), Desmond Hume (Allison), and Charlie (Wendy)
I found a place on line to download a bunch of Dharma food labels. Like chocolates...

And beer and ranch dressing...

Dharma water bottles...and Oceanic Airlines ones that I threw together...

We had character cupcakes...you'll notice that the deceased characters are standing on red sprinkles. Just the tip of the iceberg of Susan's genius.

This being a great example of that. She made marshmallows into a pile of C4. See? I told you.

She also made graham cracker fish biscuits (and painstakingly carved "Dharma" into them)...

We even sent everyone home with their own Dharma Polar Bear!

And Emilia got to drive around in her Dharma van. Which, you know if I had extra time I totally would have painted blue and white...maybe another time.

Susan and I celebrating a successful party and a great finale. Thanks for all your help Susan...should we do it again sometime?

Lastly, I had Emilia practice her "shocking finale" face. I think she got it about right.