I am really enjoying MasterChef season 2.

My other favourites are: Callum, Marion and Adam. All of them are South Australians so that has possibly influenced me liking them but also I like their personalities.
Who are your favourite contestants in it?
Joseph is nearly 4 months old. I cannot believe how fast it has gone. He has had a cold for a while now but finally seems to be getting over it. Here is a picture of him with big brother Daniel.
We have started renovations on the end room. It was a kitchen/dining room when we bought the house and we are changing it too a family room/home school room.
We had a builder out to give us a quote to get a board in to support the ceiling since we want to pull a wall out. Steve has pulled all the tiles off the wall and will start fixing the wallCh up. Some will need some new gyprock. As we progress, I will take pictures to share.
First Communion prep.
We are getting ready for Amelia's First Communion. Tomorrow we will go on a girls trip to Whyalla to choose the fabric for her dress.

The Mom Song.
Today when we were driving in the car, the William Tell Overture came on the radio. Tom said, hey, this is the Mom song. Then Amelia wanted to know why they weren't singing the words. I told them it was the William Tell Overture and that was why it had no words. It made me smile though and I wanted to post the song again. Here it is:
New Niece.
My brother John and his wife Jenny had their third daughter this week. Congratulations John and Jenny and welcome little Gabrielle.
Christopher went a couple of months ago for a dental check up. We found out that he had extensive decay in his back teeth. It was a big shock because none of the other children have had any dental problems. We have had a couple of fillings for Sam and Madeline but the other children have all had perfect teeth. In 4 weeks he will be going to Whyalla to have 6 teeth pulled out under a general anaesthetic.
He has also been having a lot of high sugars. I think his honeymoon phase is coming to an end. Prayers would be appreciated for him
Don't forget to pop over to Conversion Diary for other quick 7.