Today Joseph turns 4 months old. It has been a crazy 4 months but great. I wouldn't swap this new blessing in our lives for anything.
Since Joseph has been a part of our family, I have felt a bit overwhelmed at times. There is so much I want to do in a day and having a baby in the house makes some of these expectations impractical.
I have thought a lot about this and why I have such high expectations. I also have been thinking about how quickly my children seem to have grown up and know that now is the time to really embrace the wonder and joy of bringing up another child. It won't be long and Joseph will be more independent and not needing me as much as he does now.
Because of these things, I have decided to cut my Internet time right back. Most days we are busy with school and house work between 8am and 4 pm. I have decided that I really need to be off the Internet between these hours and helping the children more and doing my jobs that keep the house running smoothly.
I will still be updating my blog but it will be much less and I probably won't have enough time to visit as many blogs as I did before Joseph was born. I will miss many blogs and catching up with everyone but I really must do what is best for my family.