A month ago, Herman and I really thought we were just going to do something small and quiet for her first birthday with us...then a couple of weeks ago we decided to just go for it and throw her a 2nd birthday party.
This is the invite I made...because at that point I didn't know what I was going to do for her party!

Then one afternoon, I read "The Large and Growly Bear" to Emilia. And. She. LOVED. It. We knew she loved bears and lions, but this was on another level entirely. It took me forever to read her the story because she insisted on kissing each and every picture of the "bear-bear". Yup. That's my kid. Such a little lover.
So after that, it was easy. I wanted to throw her a "bear-bear" party (it was initially going to be a bear-bear and lion party...but I had to toss out the lions. More on that later).
I sent our adult guests home with Schleich bears (love their animals!) with "thank you" tags around their necks and little bags of orange, brown, and yellow M&M's

I made cupcake toppers from the images in the book...

And each kid was sent home with a bear-bear mask. Remember how I said I was going to do bears AND lions? Well, once I designed each mask and started to assemble them, I realized that the lions took at least twice as long to make as the bears, so I had to drop them (sadly. Emilia does have a lion mask...I'll show that sometime). If I hadn't, I'd still be making lions and probably would have missed the party. Which would have been sad.

Here's our own little 2 year old bear-bear (the cutest you've ever seen, right?). I also made her a "2" shirt to wear at the party.

Happy birthday baby girl! We love you so!