This week is the last week of school and then we have two weeks holidays. I thought if I can get all the patterns and fabric cut out this week, it would be a good job for me to do over the holidays.
These are the patterns I have to do.

For Tom and Christopher. These are Kwik Sew pattern 2543. I have done these jeans several times and the pattern is an old favourite.

For Amelia and Brigette possibly. Brigette is starting to prefer shop bought clothes to mums home made. This is kwik sew pattern 3135. I haven't sewn it before but it has a couple of good reviews.

For Brigette, Tom, Amelia and Christopher. I have this pattern in all sizes. Another very easy kwik sew pattern. Numb er 2536.

For Brigette and Amelia. A very simple poncho pattern. This is kwik sew 3458. I think in my sewing patterns now, kwik sew would be my biggest lot. I really like the paper they are on and their instructions are easy to understand.

This kwik sew pattern is the pattern I used for all the boys summer shirts. It was a very simple pattern. I was looking for a similar one with long sleeves to make them both some winter shirts but haven't found one. I have decided to use this pattern and have a go at lengthening the sleeve and putting a cuff on it. I am hoping this will turn out because I have a great fabric for their winter shirts.

My final winter pattern is a pinafore for Amelia. This is kwik sew 3190.
I know I won't get them all done by the end of the holidays but I am hoping they will all have at least one outfit sewn each.