The first week of our school holidays is gone. It went so fast. Steve is getting the family room done but I am sick of the dust. He has been plastering the walls and then has to sand them back. We have white dust from one end of the house to the other. If anyone walks into the family room, you can follow their trail from the family room to any area of the house.
Tom got in on the action and started rubbing the door frames for Steve. Here is a video of him doing it.
Today I started doing a big cook for our main meals this month. Amelia wanted to help and she was a big help in the kitchen.
We made chicken stock, potato and leek soup and pasties.
Here is a picture of Amelia cutting up the potatoes for the soup.
Daniel is home for the weekend. His girlfriend Abbey is here too. Tomorrow Abbey's parents and her brother are coming over for lunch. I am looking forward to meeting them all.
This week Madeline and Brigette are going on a YCS camp. They will be gone on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
It will be very quiet here without them.
Earlier in the week, I wasn't able to post what I wanted since I was feeling pretty revolting after being sick.
I am completely over the bug now and grateful for everyone that prayed for me.
Joseph is moving all over the lounge room now. I put him down on a blanket on the lounge room floor and he gets off it pretty quickly.
He has a pretty rotten cough at the moment and it is making him miserable. Hopefully he will be over it soon.
Toy Story 3.
Yesterday Steve and I took Tom, Amelia, Christopher and Joseph to Toy Story 3. Joseph liked being in the cinema until they turned down the lights. Then he didn't want any part of it.
He and I spent the first half of the movie out in the foyer. He wanted to look around. I was trying to rock him off to sleep. He was pretty stubborn about going to sleep but I managed to rock him off and see the last half of the movie. I would like to see the whole movie. Maybe we will buy the DVD when it comes out. Steve thinks if is the best Toy Story made.
The first week of our school holidays is gone. It went so fast. Steve is getting the family room done but I am sick of the dust. He has been plastering the walls and then has to sand them back. We have white dust from one end of the house to the other. If anyone walks into the family room, you can follow their trail from the family room to any area of the house.
Tom got in on the action and started rubbing the door frames for Steve. Here is a video of him doing it.
Today I started doing a big cook for our main meals this month. Amelia wanted to help and she was a big help in the kitchen.
We made chicken stock, potato and leek soup and pasties.
Here is a picture of Amelia cutting up the potatoes for the soup.
Daniel is home for the weekend. His girlfriend Abbey is here too. Tomorrow Abbey's parents and her brother are coming over for lunch. I am looking forward to meeting them all.
This week Madeline and Brigette are going on a YCS camp. They will be gone on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
It will be very quiet here without them.
Earlier in the week, I wasn't able to post what I wanted since I was feeling pretty revolting after being sick.
I am completely over the bug now and grateful for everyone that prayed for me.
Joseph is moving all over the lounge room now. I put him down on a blanket on the lounge room floor and he gets off it pretty quickly.
He has a pretty rotten cough at the moment and it is making him miserable. Hopefully he will be over it soon.
Toy Story 3.
Yesterday Steve and I took Tom, Amelia, Christopher and Joseph to Toy Story 3. Joseph liked being in the cinema until they turned down the lights. Then he didn't want any part of it.
He and I spent the first half of the movie out in the foyer. He wanted to look around. I was trying to rock him off to sleep. He was pretty stubborn about going to sleep but I managed to rock him off and see the last half of the movie. I would like to see the whole movie. Maybe we will buy the DVD when it comes out. Steve thinks if is the best Toy Story made.