This bear (bear-bear?) shirt from the wildly talented folks at Bird Mafia.'s pink. Or as a friend said..."it's really more salmon". She was trying to make me feel a bit better about actually purchasing something pink. But I really just couldn't resist that bear.

For Millie, I picked up this little shirt from Gnome Enterprises. Of course, like all things sized for a 2 year old, it's way too big on her...but looks adorable with some leggings. She loves the bunnies...

I got this gorgeous little ceramic jar from Paulova...

I'd heard amazing things around the bloggy/design world about Uppercase magazine, but had never actually seen an issue...I picked up one, and it was love at first sight. I'm definitely going to have to move things around a bit to make room for a subscription.

These lovely little earrings are from Molly M Designs (who herself is a lovely person!)...

This amazing poster from the always hilarious Old Tom Foolery...

I walked into the Strawberry Luna booth and immediately fell in love...with everything. Which made it a tad bit hard to make a choice about what to get. After much deliberation, I decided on this gorgeous Bishop Allen print. And I'm very very happy.

I'd seen these wonderful little pet PSA's from Ink and Sword floating around the interwebs and just had to take a few home...