I really enjoyed reading Why God Matters. It was light and easy reading. In between, each chapter, there are quotes from the bible, catechism of the Catholic church and life lessons. From reading the life lessons, I found myself thinking about my own life and what I could learn from Deacon Steve's and Karina's experience.
When I was asked to read Why God Matters, I read the review and it said that the book was about Deacon Steve and Karina going from a casual belief in God to a deeper devotion to him. I suppose I thought from this that the story was going to have what I have thought of as the Damascus experience. (bolts of lightening and God's voice booming in Paul's ears). While the story does have some moments when God really was shining and showing his presence to Karina and Deacon Steve, it doesn't have the sudden 2x4 moment where their lives are turned around completely. Instead, it has a lot of little stories that show both Deacon Steve and Karina recognising God in the little everyday events of their lives. From the simple receiving of flowers on a birthday to the big recognition of Guardian Angels protecting us. It is an inspirational story showing God working the extraordinary in the ordinary everyday living.
I am going to buy myself a copy of this book. For any Australian's wanting it, it is available from Fishpond. This book isn't just a good story. I am sure it would be equally as good as a aid in prayer and in growing closer to God.
Well done Karina and Deacon Steve. Thanks for sending me your manuscript.