Joseph is starting to be happier without been held by me for long periods. I have two spare hands much more often now than I have in the past. He is also crawling around a lot and exploring the house more.
The day seems to run more smoothly since we don't have a middle of the day kindy pick up to do. I feel like we have more time to get things done.
These two little changes have made my life much easier. I am feeling more relaxed and getting a lot more done than I was for the past 7 months or so since Joseph was born.
We have started getting meals in the freezer again and I have started making summer sewing plans and Christmas plans.
I think I should be able to update my blog more often too.
I have lots of ideas for blog posts and what I want to share on here.
I am hoping the children's blogs will be updated more often too. Last term when I felt like there was too many things to do, I had to reassess and prioritise what was really important for the children's learning. Blog posting didn't make the list but I think this term we should be able to get them updated more.
Here is a cute photo of Joseph after a feed of my home made spaghetti which he really really loved.