I think one of the delights of summer is having salad with mayonnaise. I love mayonnaise on salad rolls, chicken schnitzels and just to make some lettuce more appetizing.
I decided this weekend to try and make some myself. I looked for a recipe on the net and found this one.
I got all my ingredients out and realised we had no vegetable oil. I decided to use all olive oil. What a big mistake. The mayonnaise was awful. It had such a strong oil taste that I was gagging as I was eating it.
I then went surfing the net and found this little video:
I decided that I couldn't make myself or the children eat it so the chickens had a big feed of the olive oil mayonnaise.
I bought some vegetable oil last night. I haven't tried the recipe yet but I think I will try it tomorrow and see what it tastes like. Maybe Tom and Amelia will have a lesson on emulsifying.