- Sweet or Savoury?
- Dresses or Jeans?
- House or Apartment?
- Shop Online or Offline?
- DVDs or Downloads?
- Cocktails or Juice?
- Chocolate or Strawberry?
- Laptop or PC?
- Magazines or Newspapers?
- Facebook or Twitter?
- CDs or MP3s?
- Kids or Pets?
- Macaron or Cupcakes?
- Walk or Run?
- Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
- Market or Supermarket?
- Sourdough or Grainy?
- Heels or Flats?
- Late nights or Not?
- Coffee or Tea?
Dress or Jeans: Love wearing dresses but wear jeans more especially in winter.
House or Apartment: House definitely.
Shop online or offline: Online much more but only because shopping in our town can be limiting.
Downloads or DVD? DVD's mostly.
Cocktails or juice: Cocktails.
Chocolate or Strawberry: Strawberry for milkshakes but chocolate for bars, sauces or puddings.
Laptop or PC: PC
Magazines or Newspapers: I suppose magazines but rarely read them. I am interested in Better home and garden magazine and wish we had a bit more money for crafty magazines.
Facebook or Twitter: I am on facebook every day but only go to my twitter account once a week or so.
CD's or MP3? CD's.
Kids or Pets? both.
Macaron or Cupcakes? Cupcakes.
Walk or Run? Walk. I am lazy.
Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Love the occasional breakfast in bed but couldn't do it regularly.
Market or Supermarket? I use a supermarket but would use a local market if there was one here.
Sourdough or Grainy? Grainy.
Heels or Flats? Flats. I remember the shoes I bought for our wedding my mother thought were too flat but I just don't like heels.
Late nights or Not? Night owl here.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee thanks.