20 Questions.

I got this list from Jeanne's blog:

  1. Sweet or Savoury?
  2. Dresses or Jeans?
  3. House or Apartment?
  4. Shop Online or Offline?
  5. DVDs or Downloads?
  6. Cocktails or Juice?
  7. Chocolate or Strawberry?
  8. Laptop or PC?
  9. Magazines or Newspapers?
  10. Facebook or Twitter?
  11. CDs or MP3s?
  12. Kids or Pets?
  13. Macaron or Cupcakes?
  14. Walk or Run?
  15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
  16. Market or Supermarket?
  17. Sourdough or Grainy?
  18. Heels or Flats?
  19. Late nights or Not?
  20. Coffee or Tea?
Sweet or Savoury: Depends. I mostly like savoury though.

Dress or Jeans: Love wearing dresses but wear jeans more especially in winter.

House or Apartment: House definitely.

Shop online or offline: Online much more but only because shopping in our town can be limiting.

Downloads or DVD? DVD's mostly.

Cocktails or juice: Cocktails.

Chocolate or Strawberry: Strawberry for milkshakes but chocolate for bars, sauces or puddings.

Laptop or PC: PC

Magazines or Newspapers: I suppose magazines but rarely read them. I am interested in Better home and garden magazine and wish we had a bit more money for crafty magazines.

Facebook or Twitter: I am on facebook every day but only go to my twitter account once a week or so.

CD's or MP3? CD's.

Kids or Pets? both.

Macaron or Cupcakes? Cupcakes.

Walk or Run? Walk. I am lazy.

Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Love the occasional breakfast in bed but couldn't do it regularly.

Market or Supermarket? I use a supermarket but would use a local market if there was one here.

Sourdough or Grainy? Grainy.

Heels or Flats? Flats. I remember the shoes I bought for our wedding my mother thought were too flat but I just don't like heels.

Late nights or Not? Night owl here.

Coffee or Tea? Coffee thanks.