Sacrament of confession.

We have a new priest in our parish. Today he started a new Saturday devotion. Each Saturday he is going to offer mass and then have adoration and benediction straight after. Steve and I went and it was wonderful to be in the presence of God and praise him for all he has done for us.

Straight after, we went to confession. I just love the sacrament of confession. We confess our sins and receive forgiveness from God for them. The best thing about confession is it is a chance to turn out lives around. I have seen God's grace at work in my life because of confession. I remember when I first came back to the church, there was one particular area of sin that I really struggled to overcome. At first I was frightened to tell the priest. It probably took me a couple of confessions to have the courage to say it to the priest. This confession was very freeing for me. Because this sin was one that I had trouble with, I still had times when I did it after the confession but I kept on taking it back and asking God to help me overcome this area of sin. After a while, I realised that this sin was one of the past. I had overcome it with God's grace.

I find prayer every day and examining my conscious regularly, makes it easier to see the areas I need God's help in. Fr. Corapi has a great examination of conscious online. Go here to read it.