We are getting lots of presents ready for family and friends. This year I feel more organised than I have most other years. I have a few more to get but have 95% organised. It feels great.
Yesterday Steve took Tom and Amelia to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I would love to see this movie but after the disaster with Joseph at Toy Story 3, I just cannot go to the movies with him.
Christopher wanted to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader too but I had heard that it was a bit too scary for younger children and didn't want him to see it on the large screen. Instead, next week I will take him to Whyalla and Daniel is going to take him to see Megamind.
Christmas dinner.
This year for Christmas dinner we are going to have a roast pork cooked in the weber bbq. We will have roast potatoes, honey carrots and lots of salads with this. I am also going to buy a leg of ham.
For sweets we will have Christmas pudding with ice cream, cream or custard.
This week Madeline and Brigette went to a YCS camp at Point Lowly. They were gone on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It sure was quiet here without them.
On Thursday morning I noticed Joseph crawling around the house going into each room and looking around. I think he was looking for his two big sisters that were on camp. I picked him up when he came out of Madeline's room and said, are you looking for your sisters? They will be back today.
I love getting parcels in the post. This week we have had a parcel nearly every day. There have been lots of presents and a few books for Steve. Most of the parcels are going straight into our store room to wait for wrapping.
Don't forget to pop over to Jen's for more 7 quick takes.