I have a great internet friend. Her name is Honey and she has been a great encouragement to me and my children.
I love reading Honey's blog. It is about a death in her family so it isn't a happy blog but it is a blog full of hope. I feel that hope everytime I visit it.
Honey read on my blog about my gift from Shelly and offered to send me her daughters statues.
Today we received the statues. Two statues of St. Joseph. St. Joseph has been such a special friend to us. We asked him to pray for us when Steve was at a crossroads with his job and when we were looking to buy a house here.
Both times our prayers were answered beyond our wildest dreams. Steve has a job that is well paid and has fantastic hours. Our house has been made perfect with all the renovations we have done over the last few years.
As well as the two statues, we also received three beautiful dolls for Amelia with a high chair for two of them to sit on. They have taken up residence in our home school room.
I wanted to post some photos of all the gifts but at the moment, my upload cord seems to have gone for a walk. Hopefully I will find it soon and upload them all.
Thanks so much Honey for your generosity.