Quick 7


Summer holidays.

We have one week of holidays left. I wish it was another two. I have many things I want to do but it isn't practical to expect to get them all done. I have a habit of planning a lot of things and doing nothing till I realise my time to get it all done is running out.
That is what has happened these holidays.

I think I needed the break though. I do feel ready for school this year and like we have had a good break.


Little Athletics.

The children started little athletics last week.

Here is a picture of them getting into the car ready to go last Sunday.

This weekends forecast is for a high of 42 (107) and it may be canceled.



This Wednesday, Steve and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage.

Our marriage has been very blessed. I love Steve more today than I did when we first got married and I certainly loved him a lot then.

We are not really sure what we will do to celebrate yet.



Since Joseph's birth, I haven't been able to do as much to organise our monthly main meals. I really need to get back to organising it.

Today I sat down and wrote out a list of meals to prepare for the next month. My plan this year is to do a big cook for main meals one fortnight and the following fortnight to cook and bake snacks.

Tomorrow we are cooking :
  • spaghetti sauce,
  • chicken chow mein,
  • pepperoni rolls,
  • pasties
  • mini quiches.


Joseph on the way home from Adelaide.
He was not amused at the amount of time we spent in the car.


Carb counting.

When Tom first went on the pump, we started counting carbs differently to when he was on daily injections. Instead of working on exchanges, we started working in grams. It isn't all that different but with daily injections if Tom ate say 22 carbs we would do insulin for 1 exchange but on the pump, we put in the insulin for the 22 carbs.

I bought a book that was an excellent guide to all foods. It was put out by the Womens Weekly and we could look up pretty much anything in this book and it would tell us the carbs.

This book is no longer in print and we needed a new one since a few pages have fallen out. I was a bit disappointed when I found that.

I have found a good resource to replace the book called Collins Gem Carb Counter.

I am also going to start my own carb book with all our recipes in. I remember most of them and the carb ratio of many meals we have but it would be good to have it all written down.

Any other people have any good carb counting books out there?


Number block.

Just cannot think of a number 7 to write at the moment so will now close this post with the reminder

Go and visit Jen at Conversion Diary to read other great 7 quick takes.
