Pumping and home improvements.

Since coming home from Adelaide, I have been really busy. Any change to routine seems to put a kink in our days and makes me feel like I am not in the routine we need for everything to get done. The last couple of days have been better though and I am getting a lot done.

We have been looking into changing our internet, home phone and mobile phone plans. We are happy with the service mostly with our current providers but I was pretty sure we could get some better deals with other providers.

I have been spending a lot of time researching all the different deals and think we have come up with the best plan for us all. It will save us about 30.00 a month for every thing.

We have Christopher's pump basal rates all worked out. He has adjusted well to life with a pump too. He doesn't like pump change day much but that is only once ever three days. While we were getting his basal rates worked out I had to get up at midnight and 3.00 am to do blood sugar checks. I don't have to do them now we have the basal rate right but I have been waking up every night at that time anyway. I hope tonight I will sleep right through.

Steve has been working hard landscaping our garden. It is looking great. I cannot wait till it is finished. Here are a few photos of what he has done so far:

Here is Steve getting up all the grass so that we don't have weeds when it is all finished.

Looking back towards our house.

All the grass out and the dirt all leveled off to the levels we want them. The big area in the middle will be paved and have a retaining wall around the edge.

The pond we bought for our turtle. Our turtle has just about doubled in size and needs a bigger swimming area. This should do him nicely. We also have a mate coming to be here with him when we see Steve's sister again.

The paths around the garden area.