Thanks so much to Deanne from Five Brothers, one sister for awarding me the Stylish blogger award.
For this award I need to state 7 things about myself.
1) I have lived in three different towns.
2) I was born and raised in Adelaide. Married there. . Lived in three different houses in Adelaide.
3) We moved to Millicent at the end of 2000. We lived there for 2 years.
4) After living in Millicent for 2 years, we moved to Port Augusta.
5) In Adelaide I lived in three different houses.
6) In Millicent we lived in two different houses.
7) In Port Augusta we have lived in two houses. I think this house we will live in for many more years. I really don't want to ever move from here.
I want to pass this award on to the following blogging friends.
1) Angie from Free Spirit Haven.
2) Nancy from Be not Afraid.
3) Coleen from Martin Family Moments.
4) Jeanne from A peaceful day.
5) Amy from Knit together designs.
6) Laura from Laura the crazy mama.
7) Lerin from Beautiful Chaos.