Jen at Conversion Diary is the hostess for the 7 Quick Takes.
Pop over to see other Jens and other peoples quick takes.
Pump Malfunction.
For the last month or so, Tom's pump has been chewing batteries very quickly. A battery is suppose to last around a month and he was putting a new one in every 10 days. Last Tuesday, we put a new one in and later in the day it was saying battery flat. I rang medtronic and after trouble shooting his pump we discovered that he needed a new battery cover.
They said they would send a new cover. That night though Tom's bsl got way up into the 20's so we decided until the battery cover arrived to give him daily injections. This leads me to my number two for today.
Daily Injections.
Today was day 3 of daily injections for Tom and we got the battery cover. When it arrived, he asked me if he could just stay on daily injections.
I was a bit disappointed but know he needs to want to pump for it to be successful so agreed to it. I have pointed out to him the advantages of pumping but still he wants to do the daily injections.
This afternoon I spoke with his endocrinologist about it and we have worked out a daily dose for him.
She has sent me a chart which has worked out the insulin he would need with the carb intake and his bsl taken into consideration.
He will have 13 units of lantus each evening with tea. Novo rapid will be given at each main meal depending on his bsl and how many carbohydrates he is eating.
Well my new sewing machine is here but as of yet, I haven't had a chance to play with it. Maybe tonight I will do a few things since Daniel and Steve are watching some scary movie.
I want to finish Brigette's curtains and some overalls for Joseph this weekend.
Back Garden.
Steve has done a great job in the back yard. I took some photos today but they are all really blurry. Some child's finger prints are on it. I will take a few more tomorrow and put them up.
On Monday Joseph turned 13 months. He is still crawling around and not showing any interest in walking. He has lots of people that are willing to carry him so I don't think he sees any need to walk.
I don't think before I had children I realised just what a gift lent is to us. It is a time that we can re focus and see where our spiritual life has been lacking. Over the last couple of years especially I have seen this more in my life.
St. Joseph.
Next Saturday is the feast of St. Joseph. I posted a link to a novena in the Save Baby Joseph facebook group.
We will be doing this novena and praying especially to Joseph's patron over the next 9 days.
Pump Malfunction.
For the last month or so, Tom's pump has been chewing batteries very quickly. A battery is suppose to last around a month and he was putting a new one in every 10 days. Last Tuesday, we put a new one in and later in the day it was saying battery flat. I rang medtronic and after trouble shooting his pump we discovered that he needed a new battery cover.
They said they would send a new cover. That night though Tom's bsl got way up into the 20's so we decided until the battery cover arrived to give him daily injections. This leads me to my number two for today.
Daily Injections.
Today was day 3 of daily injections for Tom and we got the battery cover. When it arrived, he asked me if he could just stay on daily injections.
I was a bit disappointed but know he needs to want to pump for it to be successful so agreed to it. I have pointed out to him the advantages of pumping but still he wants to do the daily injections.
This afternoon I spoke with his endocrinologist about it and we have worked out a daily dose for him.
She has sent me a chart which has worked out the insulin he would need with the carb intake and his bsl taken into consideration.
He will have 13 units of lantus each evening with tea. Novo rapid will be given at each main meal depending on his bsl and how many carbohydrates he is eating.
Well my new sewing machine is here but as of yet, I haven't had a chance to play with it. Maybe tonight I will do a few things since Daniel and Steve are watching some scary movie.
I want to finish Brigette's curtains and some overalls for Joseph this weekend.
Back Garden.
Steve has done a great job in the back yard. I took some photos today but they are all really blurry. Some child's finger prints are on it. I will take a few more tomorrow and put them up.
On Monday Joseph turned 13 months. He is still crawling around and not showing any interest in walking. He has lots of people that are willing to carry him so I don't think he sees any need to walk.
I don't think before I had children I realised just what a gift lent is to us. It is a time that we can re focus and see where our spiritual life has been lacking. Over the last couple of years especially I have seen this more in my life.
St. Joseph.
Next Saturday is the feast of St. Joseph. I posted a link to a novena in the Save Baby Joseph facebook group.
We will be doing this novena and praying especially to Joseph's patron over the next 9 days.