The start of lent.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. We have been preparing for lent for a few weeks now and have a list of things that we will give up.

The children and I (that do home school) have 10 different things that are small sacrifices. Each day we will pull one out of a box. That day we will offer that small sacrifice.

On the list is:

1) drink water only for a day.

2) Eat plain rice for lunch.

3) go without TV for a day.

4) Go without internet for a day.

5) go without a treat at snack time.

6) Say some extra prayers.

7) write a nice note to a member of the family that will make them feel good.

8) Write about your prayer and who/what you have been praying for.

9) Read about a saint.

10) Have no meat for a day.

Because there are 10 things and lent goes for 40 days we will do each thing 4 times. Each day when one is pulled out of the box, it will go into another box until we have pulled all ten.

For my own Lenten sacrifice, I have a list of things I must do each day before I get on computer. Hardly a day goes by that I miss getting on computer. There are some things that I really should do each day and neglect to because I spend too much time on here. If I put them before computer they will get done or I won't get on computer. I am not going to write here what the 4 things are but they are all things I should give priority too.

For some other Lenten sacrifices ideas,

Chez Ouiz has a really good one for the whole family.

Catholic Icing has a Lenten link up with 45 different links for different activities.

Catholic Icing also has the Lenten Calendar which I have saved for our computer.

Coleen is concentrating on prayer, fasting and alms giving.