Birthday Party.
Tonight Madeline had her 16th birthday party. It has been a great night. She had a close group of friends over and we put on a bbq.
I really wanted to eat all the yummy meat but being a Friday, we all abstained. There is lots left over so maybe I will have some for breakfast tomorrow morning.
New mobile.
We are in the process of changing our mobile phones, home phone and internet. Last week, our internet changed over and this week, I have signed up for a new phone contract.

Growth spurt.
Tom has gone through a growth spurt. He has been having some very high blood sugar levels so this weekend I have the joy of basal testing. This means checking at least at midnight and again at 3 am. If sugars are in range at either of these times, I will need to get up and check him two hours later and make sure he is not hypo. Hopefully we will work out the right basal rate for him quickly.
Joseph has started riding his bike this week. He can move backwards and forwards. Hopefully soon, I will be able to get a video of him doing it and share it with you all.
Weekend plans.
It s a while since I had a sewing weekend. I really want to get started on some winter sewing especially for Tom, Christopher and Joseph. There are a few things that I have kept from Tom that Christopher can wear but he still needs some good clothes especially.
I am also going to start on Brigette's curtains.
Day Light Savings.
This weekend is the end of day light savings. I love the end of day light savings. It is so much easier to get up early and get organised.
Next week, Madeline is doing a course that teaches the rules of the road and at the end of it, she will be able to do the learners test for free.
She has to be on her L's for a year and once she has driven 120 hours and completed her log book, she will be able to drive on her probationary license.
Don't forget to pop over to Jen from Conversion Diary for other peoples 7 quick takes.