An evening with Kathy Evans.

Last night, I mentioned in my post that we were going to listen to a talk by Kathy Evans. Kathy was the second person to be healed through the intercession of St. Mary of the Cross.

Kathy spoke about how she found out she had lung cancer and later got secondary cancer in her brain. She was given a couple of weeks to live.

At the time that she started asking Mary Mackillop to pray for her, she didn't ask for healing, she asked for the strength to get through the trial and keep her faith.

When Kathy was diagnosed, she got very sick very quickly. The doctors told her she only had a couple of months to live. Once they started the novena she started to pick up and feel better. She didn't realise at this stage that she had been healed though.

Months later when she went to see her local doctor, he asked her how she was. She said well. She was sent for tests and there was no sign of cancer anywhere. Kathy had been completely healed.

This wasn't the only miracle that happened though.

She spoke also about a retreat that she went on while she was sick. One of the priests there, referred to the saints as the little fishes. He thought it was best to go straight to the top and told everyone, don't worry about the little fishes, just pray straight to God. That night, the priest prayed over Kathy and he felt Mary Mackillop praying with him over her. He had a conversion in his heart and knew that the intercession of the saints is a very powerful tool used by God.

We all had a great night. if you have the chance to hear Kathy talk, I urge you all to go. She has a wonderful story to tell.