I have been thinking about writing about praying as a couple for a while now.
Last night I read a post by Sue from Sue Elvis Writes, about spending time together and praying together.
It was the motivation I needed to get me writing about it too.
After 20 years of marriage, I would have to say that praying with Steve is the thing that really cements our marriage together. There have been many times that the need for prayer has been stronger than other times and that we have looked to God to get us through.
In our house, we pray with the children every night. On average, we would probably pray together twice a week. It really should be more but I think we don't see it as a real need for our marriage. A part of the reason we neglect it is we just feel so comfortable with each other and prayer tends to be a thing I put as a high priority when I face problems. I am trying to change this and see prayer as a thing to do in the good times and bad times. It is something that is so esential for all aspects of our lives but especially our marriage.
When Steve and I pray, we will usually pray something like the rosary, read from the bible or just have some quiet music in the background, a candle lit and sit together in the quiet. I think the quiet music and candle light is my favourite way to pray.
Taize music is one of our favourite musics to put on. It makes the atmosphere and helps me to focus on God. We also have some Gregorian chant and some music by The Priests.