2% Jazz

2% Jazz on Douglass at Hillside, beside the Times Colonist
March, 2010
coffee *****
goodies - didn't have any

I had a very hard time finding this place, as it came highly recommended.  It's behind a busy bus stop as well as being on a busy street, so difficult to spot when driving.  After several tries I found it, and a parking space.  I wasn't too impressed when I first walked in.  There were few places to sit, but there was one for me.  I ordered an Americano and WOW, it was great.  Great baristas too, exuding fantastic energy.  This was a very busy place, obviously a large take out clientelle and they seemed to know all their patrons.  It's on a major bus route, one bus going to UVic., so many appeared to be students.  It's obvious they roast their own coffee. They've been here for 15 years They provide their coffee to Cafe Brio, Oak Bay Marina, and

+Update: They will be opening a larger place in December in the Hudson Building.+