It started a couple of years ago, as an offshoot of my daily dogwalking. After a stint on Willows beach in Oak Bay, with my dog, I was in serious need of a good cup of coffee, so I walked up from the beach to one of my favorite breakfast bistros, the Village on Estevan St, I ordered a very ordinary cup of coffee and a piece of poppyseed cake. The sun was struggling to shine, and I had the dog with me, so sat outside and doodled away in my brand new small square journal. I was carrying a pencil, a pen, and a very small twenty year old Winsor Newton water colour paint box and brush. I often carried them with me when I travel, or when I was doing sketches. However, I didn't consider what i was doing to be a 'sketch' per se, but more a journal entry. I was not concerned about perfection, nor did I plan to use it for a painting later. It just was what it was. I just wanted to capture the moment. I worked quickly as I sipped my coffee, and was surprised that no one seemed to be aware of my small sketchbook, and minute paintbox . I added a few notes, and continued on my walk.