Habit Coffee on Pandora
February 20, 2010
coffee *****
goodies - just looked...didn't try them
Everyone seems to rave about this place, so I had to try it out. I had tried to find it months ago, but it was so unobtrusive, austere and virtually empty, when I found it,that I walked right by, and went into the restaurant next door (Mole). I was surprised, because if it was that good, I would have expected it to be more crowded, and when I am sketching I prefer a bit of a crowd, mainly because there is more choice of subject mater. Habit is one part of a trio of stores that is comprised of an organic vegetarian restaurant (no coffee), a very 'Green' organic bistro style restaurant (Mo:le) .
I had to go back. People kept telling me that theirs was THE best coffee in Victoria, so I did return. It's spare and simple inside,(the Church of Coffee??) and not much seating, so not really a sit down place. It has an intensity of conversation between all of those filling all the seats. It is very busy on this beautiful sunny day, with people on the benches outside, but mostly with take out it seems. It's young crowd, mostly dressed in black and very intense. The coffee was excellent, but I found the ambiance blah. I like some ambiance. In my opinion 'Serious Coffee' tries too hard, and overdoes it. Habit under does it. There's gotta be a happy medium somewhere. So far the best balance, for me, was at Cafe Fantastico. Both places have excellent coffee although. Fantastico has Fol Epi goodies, albeit not as 'healthy' and good for you. They have their own blend roasted exclusively for them at Hines, a Roastery on Granville Island in Vancouver.

Habit in the Atrium Building.
808 Yates
coffee *****
goodies ***** best damn biscotti i have ever had, other than my own!
I finally found a parking spot downtown, so I could check out the new Habit. It's very different from the original Habit, but it still has the austere, clean, uncluttered look. The coffee of course was excellent, but the clientelle was quite different. This coffee shop seems to appeal to downtown working people, and is well located to provide them with an excellent cuppa. While I can appreciate the owners passion for coffee and conversation, I prefer more 'cluttered', folksy ambiance. Must be the 'hippy' in me.