March 23, 2009
Kofi, 1441 Haltain and Belmont.
I had never heard of this place, and I had no idea where it was. It took me a while to find it. It's situated alongside about a dozen stores in Haultain Corners. It's a pleasant place, painted bright orange, friendly staff, bright plastic not too comfortable chairs. It wasn't that busy when I was there. These two were totally plugged in to their computers, and their ear phones and completely oblivious to the rest of the world. The coffee shop seems to be the new workplace... or study hall. This coffee shop is definitely neighbourhood oriented and involved in sponsoring and supporting community events. They do minimum food prep here, but have good suppliers for their goodies: Patisserie Daniel, Pagliaccis, and Simply Sweet. The coffee was good, not spectacular (Canterbury Coffee). I was interested to see they hosted neighbourhood groups,... a knitting group, a mom and kiddy's group for instance.