Sherri from Chocolate for your brain now hosts the Small Successes. This is my first time participating since Sherri has taken over hosting. I suppose that could be a small success all on its own but I am not going to post it as one.
So these are my small successes for this week:
(1) We found 5 of the 8 missing library books. One of the three that is missing was broken by Joseph so we will have to pay to replace that one anyway. Hopefully we will find the other two this weekend. I have a few more cupboards to go through.
(2) been up the last two nights at 12.30 and 3.00 for Tom since he has been having high sugar levels. It is much easier to get up to him now that Joseph sleeps mostly through the night. It was pretty cold though and I really didn't want to get out of my nice warm bed.
(3) Joseph now sits quietly through our family prayer time. He was becoming a big distraction to everyone walking around and being cute so we decided it was time for him to sit on my lap for prayer. The first couple of nights, it was a fight to keep him there and we had a great screaming match with him. He sat quietly tonight for the whole time so I think we have a break through. Our next step will be to get him sitting quietly through mass.