Smokin' Bones Cookshack - MAN FOOD
Smokin' Bones Cookhouse @ 721 Sation Ave in Langford
March 11,2009
Ometimes I want more than a cup of coffee. I had heard good reviews about this place, and as I was out doing the box store thing today in Langford, I decided to try it out. Nothing fancy, but lots of good smells, and Sophie had raved about the food. It's a southern U.S. style BBQ place and I had high expectations, but to tell the truth I was a bit disappointed. I had a bbq pulled pork sandwich, I must say there was a lot of it. Too much for lunch, so I took half home for dinner. The place was full of hefty macho looking truck driver looking men, and there was a long table with about ten firefighters. They were happily working through the massive servings. I should try it again, I guess, but it's too far out for a casual drop by. I hear they will be opening one in the Hudson, in downtown Victoria.