I think a part of the feeling down was the lack of sleep that I had last week. Whenever the boys sugars are too high or too low, I need to do checks at 12.30 and 3.30 every night. If they are too high for too long, the boys can get ketones and dehydrate very quickly. If they are too low for too long, it can be deadly so we need to get sugar into them.
Our Saturdays are always busy now. Steve and I usually try to get to mass and adoration every Saturday morning and then we have netball. I also do our food shopping on Saturdays. In the evening we usually go to the Vigil Mass.
Because it is so busy, I try to plan very little on Sundays and today we had a wonderful day out in the garden. The sun was shining so we sat out there for most of the day. The children got out and played on the trampoline, in the sand pit and on the swings. Steve and I had a couple of cups of coffee, talked and just enjoyed the sun. It was great and just what I needed.
In the afternoon, we had a hour of prayer at the church for the feast of Corpus Christi. It is great to have my batteries recharged. We only have two weeks left of this term and then I will have a lot of time to really recharge. So looking forward to it.